Friday 18 July 2014

When Mother Nature was pissed....

Last night I witnessed the biggest and most amazing thunderstorm I have ever seen in 35 years - and it beat any storm I saw years ago in New York State! Mother Nature put on the most fantastic show - she took centre stage and delivered with fury!

I heard the first rumblings at about 1am. Now I'm the sort of person who simply has to watch thunderstorms. It's very odd, considering as a little girl, I was absolutely terrified of them. But as an adult; I fascinated by them, and I'm certain that had I have not been a Dominatrix, I would have probably been a storm chaser; such is My passion for them.

So, on hearing the first rumbles I headed out into the garden to take a look, and saw the first bit of lightning while the storm was just leaving France - that's how big it was. I grew so excited, I just had to bring up the lightning strike satellite on the internet, and ....WOW!

I immediately could see this was going to be pretty big - especially since Le Harve was getting an average of 30 strikes per minute - and that's when I took My seat to watch Mother Nature show us what she could do.

As the storm got closer, huge forks of lightning lit up the skies, making it seem like daylight. And we're not just talking one fork and then 6 seconds later a crack of thunder. I'm talking 5 or 6 forks and a massive crack of thunder at the same time. I've never seen anything like it! I stayed out in the rain watching it - I just had to. Absolutely amazing!

To quote Family Guy; "Damn nature! You scary!"

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